Using population data from the 2020 census, 全球十大网赌正规平台2021年秋季课程“数学与选区划分”,由数学客座助理教授授课 Kyle Evans 绘制了新的康涅狄格州国会选区地图,并将其提交给该州的重新分配委员会审议. Their proposed maps have become part of the Connecticut General Assembly’s official public hearing testimony.

The 2020 census brought changes to the apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives. Connecticut’s number of representatives remains steady at five.

Designing carefully considered congressional maps is one highlight of the Community Learning course that explores the relationship between math and democracy, which is a focus of Evans’ research. “我想设计一门关于重新划分选区的课程,因为这是一个真正的跨学科主题,” Evans said. “Students are learning mathematical techniques for evaluating maps, hearing about relevant court cases, researching policies and processes across different states, and using multiple online programs for creating and evaluating maps. 这是一种不同于传统数学课或公共政策课的方法, which cover a lot of content. This course focuses on one topic and goes as deep as possible.”

选修这门课程的大多数学生都是主修 political science or public policy and law, 但埃文斯说,任何有兴趣的学生都可以参加,这也会计入分数要求.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics Kyle Evans.

Evans first taught the course at Trinity in fall 2019; it has evolved each semester to follow the redistricting process. 他说:“每10年的人口普查是这一过程的指导,使这项工作成为必要。. “我们谈论的是分配——即每个州有多少选区和代表——以及每个州如何处理重新划分选区.” [In Connecticut, that process is now in the hands of a special master, after the Reapportionment Commission failed to meet its December deadline. 康涅狄格州最高法院绘制国会地图的最后期限是2022年2月15日.]


In the fall, 学生们深入研究了几何在绘制地区地图的过程中所起的作用,并了解了不同形式的不公正划分, which moves district borders to give one party an advantage. “Racial gerrymandering is illegal, 所以我们回顾了法律历史和统计测试,提出了一个可能的种族不公正划分选区的案例,” Evans said.

The course culminated in several map-making projects. “The students get really excited about mapping,” Evans said. “学习是一回事,真正参与并亲自动手是另一回事.” Using the online platform Dave’s Redistricting App, which includes census data from every state, 学生们可以单独或一起完成各种地图作业. “The theme is always fair maps. How do we get fair maps and what does that mean? 关于公平的含义有很多相互竞争的观点,有时这些观点会相互矛盾, 所以很难做出一张同时兼顾所有这些事情的地图. 我要求学生们对此进行反思,并将他们的想法付诸实践。.


Henry Shapiro ’24, who is pursuing majors in math and computer science, said he had his notions of fairness challenged. “Prior to taking this class, 我会认为任何形状怪异的选区都是“不公正的选区划分”,其他任何事情都是公平的,” he said. “这堂课彻底改变了我的理解,并向我展示了重新划分选区的过程有多复杂.”

学生们还设计了新的康涅狄格州议会和康涅狄格州参议院选区地图, 并与无党派的康涅狄格妇女选民联盟合作开展了一个倡导项目,要求哈特福德的立法者通过立法,使重新划分选区的过程更加透明.


Anna Grant-Bolton ’25, who plans to major in human rights and public policy and law, 她说,这门课最难忘的部分是与妇女选民联盟合作,创建了康涅狄格州重新划分选区的预览. “我们被分配到康涅狄格州的一个地区,以审查可能影响州议会重新划分的人口变化,并制定一个潜在的州议会地图. 这个项目是双赢的:学生们能够扩大他们对州重新划分过程的了解, 而女性选民联盟则能够发布一份全面的康涅狄格州议会重新划分预览,” she said.

埃文斯说,他开设这门课程的目标之一是让学生感到自己有能力参与政治进程. “Students come in not knowing what redistricting means. By the end, once they’ve done this mapping and worked collaboratively, know how to use data and have a notion of true fairness, they’re well equipped to handle this process,” he said. “任何时候你都可以让学生参与到实际的政治进程中来,这是一种赋权.”

The winning “Map Across America” entry by Abbie Wager ’23.

As the result of one class exercise, 政治学专业23岁的Abbie Wager被提名为“横跨美国地图”全国选区重划比赛的四名获胜者之一. “I won the Judge’s Pick award for my congressional map of North Carolina,” she said. “埃文斯教授通过证明我们的声音在多大程度上真正被听到,赋予了我参与政治进程的权力, especially when informed with the proper knowledge. It does not matter that we are a young generation of college students, because our voices matter, 体制的改变只能来自于我们愿意为我们的信仰表明立场. 我会鼓励其他学生和选民向他们的地方或州代表发送电子邮件,提出他们希望看到解决的问题.”

An example of how the class looked at redistricting around the world.

The curriculum included every level of politics, 从超本地——在城镇中编制地区资源——到全球, with a unit on redistricting around the world. “We’re zooming in and zooming out as much as possible,” Evans said. “我觉得这个课程可以成为我们可以做的真实的典范, interdisciplinary, and has some form of participatory engagement. It’s something that I’m truly proud of, something the students are really excited about, and something that really matters.”

Shapiro added, “I believe that while the class itself appealed to my interests, 埃文斯教授的教学理念和对课堂的热情是真正激励我参与政治进程的原因. In learning about the intersection between mathematics and politics, 它让我看到了一个事实,即几乎任何研究领域都与政治进程有某种形式的交集. Whether you’re majoring in human rights, engineering, or anything in between, 你有必要问问自己:你有什么技能,或者你正在学习什么技能,可以用来实现改变?”

Learn more about mathematics at Trinity College here.

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