All are welcome at our digital scholarship events!

Calendar of Events for AY 2023-2024

To receive monthly reminders of upcoming events, please fill out this form.


Spring 2024

虚拟工作坊:爱数据周:ChatGPT4 for Data Analysis(康涅狄格学院) 

Monday, February 12th,  1:15-2:15 PM | Zoom 

Open to faculty, staff, and students
本次研讨会将探讨ChatGPT4的高级数据分析功能,从读取和描述数据集到生成高级数据可视化和回归分析. Whether you’re a researcher or just curious about this AI tool, 本节将提供一个有用的介绍,以利用ChatGPT4的强大功能为您的数据任务.  

Register here:


Thursday, February 15 , 1:15-2:15 PM | Zoom 

Open to faculty, staff, and students

大学间政治与社会研究联盟(ICPSR)是世界上最大的数字社会科学数据档案. 本次会议将重点讨论如何通过ICPSR网站查找和访问可用数据,with simple instructions for setting up an account, and searching for and accessing datasets.  

Register here: 

Sandbox: AI & Ethics: A Panel on Current Issues in AI

Tuesday, March 5th, 4:15 PM | 以太图书馆信息技术中心一层恩格尔哈德阅览室

从新闻媒体到课堂,人们越来越多地讨论人工智能是如何做到的 impact our lives. 虽然你可能听说过使用人工智能简化写作的好处, productivity, and countless other tasks, this panel seeks to provoke a broader conversation about the ethical issues 随着人工智能技术被应用于生活和社会的各个领域,这些问题就会出现. Join us Tuesday, March 5th at 4:15 in the Engelhard Reading Room on Level 1 of the Raether LITS for a lively and timely discussion featuring a panel of Trinity faculty, students, and staff. Presenters will cover topics including stereotypes and biases in AI datasets, the environmental impacts of AI computing, ethical and unethical applications of AI in healthcare, copyright and privacy concerns, 以及利用人工智能系统为高风险决策洗白责任. The event will also include time for Q&A and discussion, so feel free to come with questions!

Art+Feminism CT

Thursday, March 7th, 下午12:15-2:15:在以太图书馆和信息技术中心的奥尔登信托计算实验室B02(在B层). | Remote participation available

艺术+女权主义是一项全国性的运动,旨在引入志愿者来编辑维基百科,同时增加维基百科上女性和非二元艺术家的代表性. Learn more about art+feminism and the event here: 



3月18日,周一,下午5点| LITS 182在以太图书馆和信息技术中心.

加入我们,学习如何制作你自己的泰勒斯威夫特时代的巡演海报(使用你自己“时代”的照片) and learn from representatives of 促进健康的身体意识(PHAB)关于如何在每个时代爱自己.

PHAB:促进健康的身体意识:这个由学生领导的团体提高了人们对不同文化的审美标准问题的认识, eating disorders, body image, self-care, and body positivity.

我们将教与会者如何在Canva,一个免费的平面设计软件制作海报. No previous experience is required. Please bring a laptop or tablet to make your poster.

Reimagine Research with AI

Thursday, March 21st, 4:15-5:15 PM | Zoom

Presented by Amy Harrell and Susan Chatham

Are Google Scholar and JSTOR becoming passe? Explore AI’s impact on library and literature research processes. 本演讲将回顾当前的人工智能搜索引擎,并讨论它们的优点和缺点.

Register here:

Day of Digital Scholarship

Wednesday, April 17th, 3:00-6:00 PM | the Center for Digital Learning & 获以太图书馆信息技术中心一级奖学金.

和我们一起庆祝今年由教师、学生、 & staff! More information (including how to sign up to present!) here:

Spatial Storytelling and Digital Assignments using ArcGIS Online

Wednesday, April 24th, 4:15-5:15 PM | Zoom 

在过去的几年里,全球十大网赌正规平台的教师一直在将新的ArcGIS在线地图平台应用于各种各样的课堂数字作业和项目中. 通过让学生创建个人和小组故事地图或使用先进的空间数据可视化分析关键概念,了解教师如何将地理空间元素整合到他们的数字课程作业中. 这个动态和快速发展的工具允许学生产生身临其境和有影响力的结果,可以很容易地与更广泛的受众分享.

Presented by Cheryl Cape as part of CT Digital Scholarship Exchange

Register here:

Fall 2023


Thursday, September 28th, 4:15-5:15 pm | Zoom 

Representatives from ICPSR, a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences, will demonstrate how to access data using their Open Flint Data collection. (Open to students, faculty and staff)

Register here:



Thursday, October 5, 1:30 – 2:30 pm | Davis Lab or Zoom

Voyant Tools是一个开源的、基于web的轻量级文本分析应用程序. It functions as a one-stop shop, offering an easy to use interface that processes text in seconds, organizing it into a series of interactive lists, charts, graphs, and networks. The application allows users to play with the resulting visualizations, to explore the text from different angles, such as word clouds, term frequency lists, frequency distribution plots, and keyword in context. With no background knowledge or skills necessary, Voyant Tools有助于将文本分析活动纳入本科课堂,以促进阅读和解释实践. 这个研讨会提供了一个使用预先建立的文本语料库的基于web的应用程序的实践之旅.

Register here:

Digital Learning & Scholarship Sandbox:

Thursday, October 12th, 4:15-5:15 PM | LITS 181

Learn new digital tools and software through play! No previous experience required. At each sandbox meeting, we’ll focus on an easily accessible digital tool.  工作人员将在现场提供指导,但这不是一个“如何”的研讨会. Instead, we want to encourage fun, improvisation, and thinking through play about how these tools can enhance your work. All are welcome! Please bring your own laptop.  

Virtual Workshop: Introduction to Podcasting (CT Digital Scholarship Exchange)

Thursday, October 19th,  4:15-5:15 PM | Zoom

Podcasting is an increasingly popular means of communication. 平均而言,数百万的播客听众每周都会收听多集播客. 根据Spotify的数据,有超过500万个播客可供选择. 播客允许创作者制作多种格式的内容(纪录片, narrative, interview, reported, conversational, fictional, etc.) and push it out freely to the public. With the benefit of free software and tools, aspiring podcasters can get up and running with little training or effort. 本次研讨会将向参与者介绍播客,并探索从概念到创作所需的步骤. No prior experience required. 与会者将在研讨会结束时了解播客的制作过程,并推荐支持他们工作的软件和工具. 还将提供关于设计播客作业或将其纳入研究项目的后续咨询.

Register here 

Digital Learning & Scholarship Sandbox: AI Tools

Thursday, November 2nd, 4:15-5:15 PM | LITS 181

Learn new digital tools and software through play! No previous experience required. At each sandbox meeting, we’ll focus on an easily accessible digital tool.  工作人员将在现场提供指导,但这不是一个“如何”的研讨会. Instead, we want to encourage fun, improvisation, and thinking through play about how these tools can enhance your work. All are welcome! Please bring your own laptop.  

Virtual Workshop: Research Data Storage and Management (CT Digital Scholarship Exchange)

Wednesday, Nov. 8th, 1:15 – 2:15 | Zoom

你是否发现自己在努力组织和管理与研究和奖学金相关的所有不同文件? 我们将提供存储、管理和共享不同类型研究数据的策略. We will also introduce Kaltura Media Space and Scrivener.

Register here:

Virtual Workshop: How to Build Accessibility into your Digital Project (CT Digital Scholarship Exchange)

Thursday, December 7th 4:15-5:15 PM | Zoom


Register here: