Trinity’s master of arts in English develops writing 和 critical thinking skills through the intense study of literature, 历史, 理论, 和 methodological approaches.

Our graduates work in fields including teaching, 出版, 政府, 法律, 通信, 和非营利组织.
You can complete the degree in 两年 as a full-time student; three to four years as a part-time student.
你的总成本是 $33,000 (excluding fees), based on 2023-24 tuition rates.
以下列方式递交申请: 8月1日 秋季开学, 12月15日 为春天的开始,和 4月15日 夏季伊始.


The master of arts in English is a two-year, 10-credit program culminating in a thesis project. Our aim is to train students to write 和 think clearly with a sense of style 和 imaginative subtlety. 为此目的, we ask students to read broadly, to practice thoughtful interpretation, to produce precise arguments, 和 to foster an appreciation of texts written in English. We believe that the professional study of literature 和 culture requires a strong sense of historical periods, 理论范式, 和 methodological approaches. Through close interaction 和 mentorship with our renowned 教师—recognized for their innovative research, 优秀奖学金, 和 creative teaching—our program encourages students to embrace intense intellectual experiences 和 to produce work that reflects their own personal interests through a general foundation in literary studies.

而M.A. in English is ideal for a student contemplating a career in teaching or seeking further study of literature at the graduate level, variety of the endeavors of our alumni speaks to the value of a degree that hones students’ critical thinking 和 writing skills. Our students enjoy careers as librarians 和 digital archivists, as journalists 和 professional writers, as administrators at universities, 博物馆, 非营利组织, 以及公职人员, 作为编辑和出版商, 和 as professionals in public relations 和 marketing.

Our department culture is supportive 和 inclusive. We foster an intellectual 和 social community, aided by our unparalleled access to area resources. From campus treasures including the Watkinson图书馆Cinestudio 靠近我们的地方 马克·吐温故居 & 博物馆, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, 沃兹沃思艺术学院,和 Connecticut 博物馆 of Culture 和 History 到我们的地步.K. Smith speaker series of world-renowned writers 和 scholars, our English M.A. program is prominently situated in the intellectual life of the 哈特福德 area.

Next Step: Start Your Application

Our program encourages you to embrace intense intellectual experiences 和 to produce work that reflects your own personal interests through a general foundation in literary studies.

丹Mrozowski Director, English 研究生学习 Program


The master of arts in English consists of 10 course credits (eight or nine courses). Students choose either a thesis or a pedagogical project as their capstone in the degree.

Most students complete the degree within three years at a fraction of the tuition costs of an undergraduate degree. We offer eight to 10 courses per year, 包括暑期班, with options for independent studies, 转移学分, 和 undergraduate courses adapted to the graduate level. Our courses reflect the diversity 和 expertise of our 教师. Our curriculum allows for great flexibility 和 individuation in both the time to degree completion 和 in the concentration of study.

看到 全球十大网赌正规平台公报 for detailed course descriptions.

英语文学硕士 Requirements
  • Introduction to​ Graduate Study in English (fall)
  • Composition Pedagogy or Specialized Elective (spring)
  • 19th Century Short Fiction or Specialized Elective (summer)
  • Introduction to Literary Theory (for students completing a thesis)
  • Composition Pedagogy (for students completing a pedagogical project)
2 specialized electives (Samples)
  • 1 course in British literature (Milton or Shakespeare’s Poetry)
  • 1 course in American literature (Black Women Writers in the 20th 和 21st Centuries or Walt Whitman 和 Emily Dickinson)
4 generalized electives (Samples) 样本课程:

  • ​​Food Writing in the English Renaissance
  • 现代诗歌
  • 什么是浪漫主义??
  • 毕业论文(2学分)
  • Pedagogical project (1 credit)


研究生学习办公室 弗农街103号.
8点30分.m. - 4:30 p.m.